Contract Killers is a site-specific, augmented reality series created by artist Nancy Baker Cahill, and collaboratively developed into a unique and powerful NFT project with several co-conspirators. The digital assets are minted on the environmentally responsible Tezos blockchain, and paired with physical assets, rewards and consequences outlined in a reimagined
smarter contract, and essays from the Artist; the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Executive Director Hesse McGraw; and noted art attorney, Sarah Conley Odenkirk, partner at the law firm of Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP.
Contract Killers drops soon on, an online platform which incubates artists' innovations on the blockchain.
Each handshake, recorded in front of a selected charged location, represents a realm of obligation and agreement where trust evaporates, where stated contracts continue to fail individuals and communities. Additionally, accompanying essays offer three different perspectives on the dangers of the collective amnesia induced by the rush to embrace, mint, and sell NFTs. These articulations aim to remind those swept up in the NFT hype of the responsibilities we all have to each other and our planet.
Nancy Baker Cahill (Artist)Hesse McGraw (Executive Director, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston)Sarah Conley Odenkirk (Partner, Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP)
Contract Killers Agreement