Jose Nazabal
This is who I am
José Angel Nazabal (1994). Architect, cartoonist and visual artist.

He graduated from the San Alejandro National Academy of Plastic Arts in the specialty of Painting and Drawing (2013) and later he graduated as an Urban Architect from the Technological University of Havana ¨José Antonio Echeverría¨ (2019). His work has been exhibited and published in books and specialized art magazines, inside and outside Cuba. Around his work gravitates a constant reflection on various topics...

Significant achivements
Multiple editions
Auction: Single Edition
Basketball is everything to ne
by Jose Nazabal. Digital still, ERC-721
When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said 'improved bass by cool. We had to wonder, is this marketing jargon, or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.
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