Five NFTs you can collect now
Portraits have been a popular form of art for centuries, whether it be paintings in the pre-photography times, or later through film and now digital.

The ability to capture a mood, an expression, an experience, is something that connects us as humans. Nothing captures our attention more than seeing another person's face and eyes, giving us an entry into their life.

Having gone through a period of social distancing, connections are what we missed the most.

Here we present five examples of the art of portraiture, giving us a window into the subject, the artist, and also our selves.

José Ángel Nazabal
Digital drawing/Still/4 MB/JPG
About the artwork
Beyond the apparent frivolity of the images, these scenarios seem to float within a hedonistic atmosphere of beauty and enjoyment, made not at all gratuitous within my work: one of the main objectives I set myself is to subvert and pay homage to sexual minorities and to provide them with a vision that favors empowerment and social positioning, rather than victimization or defeat.

Yolanda Santa Cruz
Digital drawing/Still3/34 MB/JPG
About the artwork
I do pray for us, I just do it my own way.

Carlos Vilá
UNTITLED (from the series Where am i), 2020
Still/15 MB/JPG
About the artwork
Investigating among various socio-political proposals, i find reiterative the rhetoric of the discourse in which we are repeatedly referred to as "masses": impersonal concentrations in which i cannot identify.

From images of periodical publications that show mass concentrations at specific historical moments in Cuba, i look for an approach based on macro-photography. The aim is to try to find the images of a supposed protagonist within that sea of people. This encounter would lead to a finding, to a possible identification of myself within the mass.

Alejandro Gonzalez
UNTITLED (from the series Improper Behavior), 2008
Digital Photograph/4.19 MB/JPG
About the artwork
As an inventory of those subject to rejection or exclusion due to their sexual preference, this work is a denunciation against homophobia. As a symbol it also serves to claim respect for political, ideological, and religious differences.

(Portraits taken during the celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia, May 17, 2008)

Dayani Muñoz Reguera
From the series "Open Your Eyes to Every Patch of Sunshine" No. 2 "UNTITLED", 2020
Still/2.66 MB/JPG
About the artwork
"Open your eyes to every patch of sunshine" is a series of collages, which discusses my experience as an afro-descendant woman in the process of accepting my identity. The series is inspired by the desire to reformulate the Western stereotype of feminine beauty today.

I use the faces of black women and place them in a universe where they are the new goddesses of beauty. The faces I take belong to images that break with the canon of Western beauty.

I place these women in a mystical and ideal universe where their bodies are interwoven with dissimilar objects and abstract forms that give them a symbolic meaning similar to divinities or goddesses.

In my work they are surrounded by the opulence of gold and the energy of yellow; symbols of power. My protagonists are composed of a kind of armor that protects and empowers them.

They are collages that seek to be sensorially attractive and seductive.
I want these works to have a captivating sense in order to formulate the image of a new woman. My intention is that this new type of woman-goddess that I propose will incite the acceptance of a different canon of beauty.

This series celebrates the various ethnic components that are part of human beings, but also, of the historical, political, social and cultural reality that surrounds us in Cuba.

With my work I seek to support the Afro-descendant movement in my country, a movement to which I belong and with which I identify.
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